Thursday, February 27, 2014

Welcome To My Blog!

Welcome to my newest project, a blog to help you save money and get cool FREE stuff! I also will be reviewing products I find awesome and making YouTube videos for them. Let me introduce myself a little bit.

My name is Erica, I am a 28 year old mother of 3 beautiful boys that are named Isaiah (7) Holdyn (5) and Jaxon (10 months). I've been married to my husband Steve for almost 9 years and have an assortment of pets, a pup named Max, a cat named Scarlett and 2, maybe 3 fish (we can't find one of them o.O ). I love my life it's full, busy and NEVER EVER stops. It's a wonder that I remember to change my underwear.

I've had some success (in my opinon) running a Facebook Fan Page called ~My Inner Child is a Drunken Whore~ and having my own website for the fan page But being the over achiever that I am I wanted to start a new blog and fan page for something else I love.


Yes I love free shit, not shit in the literal meaning but free shit in general. I love opening my mailbox and having a crap ton of samples and goodies to try out. I mean why pay for the full size of something if you don't even know if you're going to like it? I've had that happen before and trust me it does not make me happy. A non happy wife is a miserable husband so ladies think of it this way, you're doing it to make your husband happy. That's what he'll think at least.

So join me on this epic adventure of blogging, writing and sampling all the free shit I can find. If you are a small/big/gigantic/pea sized business owner and want someone to review and promote your product then look no further. I have a "no holds bar" "take no prisoners" "blunt ass truth" way of thinking and I can help you promote your awesome products. Send me an email ( and we'll talk.

That's it for now people, as I've already said I've got a busy life and at the moment I need to go clean up the pee painting Isaiah did this morning.



  1. Added you to both of my link lists. ;) PS- AKA FallColours LOL
